Communicating with Air Traffic Control

Communicating with Air Traffic Control

Many pilots fear the unknown with ATC.  This includes flying through Bravo, Charlie, or sometimes Delta Airspace for those accustomed to flying in uncontrolled airspace only.  Below are some Communication tips to utilize when flying in Controlled Airspace:  

First and foremost, radio calls are simple if you utilize this format:

  1. Whom you are calling: Agency's Name or Callsign
  2. Who you are: Your Callsign
  3. Where you are: Where you are in relation to a known point (North, South, East, or West), Distance from the point, and Altitude.
  4. What you want to do: Inform ATC of what you want to do. 

Initial Call to Approach or Controlled Tower:

___________ Approach, Cherokee N5129S, ________ miles N/S/E/orW of _____________(A known Point) at ___________feet;  I’m a PA-28-140 with a request.  


-The approach controller will first locate you on the radar, then ask what your request is.  Your response should be


-29S is requesting a full stop at _________ (airport) with Information ___________.  


Approach: Cherokee N5129S, squawk ________, state your altitude


29S, Squawking ___________, currently 3000 Ft. 


Approach: 29S, you’re radar contact, enter a 3-mile final for runway 13


  1. The tower is the same format. Just expect them to tell you how to enter the pattern. 
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